:::this is the way the world ends:::

For Thine is / Life is / For Thine is the

It’s terrific to have The Hollow Men blog up and running. Thank you, Toby, for designing such an excellent and usable site. I think this will be an excellent way to keep in touch, post some comments, and make plans.

I have put up a link to the Graywolf Press web site, which isn’t great, but which gives you a snapshot of what books are coming out and what we’re up to. It’s hard to believe this summer that I passed the ten year mark of working for Graywolf. I hope you all will link your own pertinent web sites to the HM site. It’s a good way to better understand what each of you is doing with most of your daytime hours.

Speaking of what each of us is doing with our time, I have good responses on the issue of time from everyone except Peters. To be fair, Peters responded earlier to this request, but now that his schedule has changed so dramatically, I’m hoping Petes will email me with his schedule. Now that we have the HM site, perhaps it’s best if I just post the responses here–which I will do, once they’re all in hand…

As far as what I’m doing with my time coming up…

I will be in Colorado with Jen and my family to celebrate my parents’ fortieth anniversary over the Labor Day weekend. Family has been much on my mind, recently–perhaps because I haven’t seen any of them in a good while.

Then Jen and I celebrate our paper anniversary September 8-10 on Lake Superior, at a great place to stay–Bluefin Bay. Great bike paths, kayaking on Superior, hiking, swimming, and good food. It will be a nice way to end the summer and to remember our wedding last year. Certainly you all were such a part of it and will be in our thoughts. We’ll raise a glass of wine to you.

Recent recommended reading list:

District and Circle by Seamus Heaney
Midnight’s Children by Salman Rushdie
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Out Stealing Horses by Per Petterson
Averno by Louise Gluck
Riding Westward by Carl Phillips
Maximum City: Bombay Lost and Found by Siketu Mehta

Recent recommended music list:

Editors, “The Back Room”
Thom Yorke, “The Eraser”
Keane, “Under the Iron Sea” (Thanks, Peters)
The Flaming Lips, “At War with the Mystics”
Explosions in the Sky, “The earth is not a cold, dead place…”

I’m always excited by what each of you is taking in. Here’s to hope and to seeing you soon.



  1. tobias

    I’m testing out a feature here…try clicking on this link to listen to songs from the Editor’s album.

    Editor's Cover

    Click the cover thumbnail above to listen to it all at once, or feel free to choose the track below.

    All Sparks
    Fingers in the Factories

    Someone Says
    Open Your Arms

    It’s alive!

  2. Shotts

    Excellent, Toby.

    And by the way, I owe a debt of thanks to J.E. for recommending and providing me with the Explosions in the Sky album.


  3. J.E.

    Nice work Tob!

    De nada Jeff!

  4. Ned

    Here’s what I’ve been listening to lately. For what it’s worth:
    Wynton Marsalis – Live at the House of Tribes
    Wytnton Marsalis Quartet – The Magic Hour
    Ralph Vaugn Williams – Variations on a Theme by Thomas Tallis and Five Variations of Dives and Lazarus

  5. Ned

    Here’s what I’ve been reading lately. Again, for what it’s worth:
    The Politics of Nonviolent Action – Gene Sharp
    My Experiments with Truth – Gandhi
    Resistance, Rebellion, and Death – Albert Camus
    Provocations – The Thoughts of Soren Kierkegaard

  6. Tobias

    I found this remix of Munich (Cicada Remix). Enjoy…a little treat hidden in a blog from our beginnings in August.

  7. Shotts

    Thanks, Tob. I’ve had that remix for a while: very excellent. I have a lot of Editors remixes and B-sides.

    I would vote for something from Editors for your holiday compilation.

    I would also vote for “Hamburg Song” from Keane’s Over the Iron Sea.


  8. Tobias

    I guess J.E. and Jeff were really early to the game with EITS, I realize this looking back now on the post.

    I’m also sorry I wasn’t able to include Editors or Keane in on the holiday mix, Jeff. I think I was burning the CD’s off before I got this post. Maybe next year….

    By the way, if any of you have music you’d like me to upload, feel free to send me mp3’s or bring a CD next time you see me and I’ll convert it for future MT mixes. Speaking of getting together….

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