:::this is the way the world ends:::

Month: November 2006

It’s Already Music Thursday

We’ve been blanketed in KC with snow today.  It’s wonderful.  Feel free to enjoy this week’s Music Thursday selections with a cup of hot chocolate.  Although, I’m sure it’s still damn hot down in J.E.’s Texas — where hot chocolate might not be as pleasant.

By the way, I didn’t intend for last week’s mix to be considered a holiday album for the year.  That very album is forthcoming when we all team up in McPherson, a mere 3 weeks from tomorrow (with the exception of clan Gannon).  I am culling some of the best tracks over the course of Music Thursdays and will be including a few choice bits on the album.  I am open to hearing which tracks you liked and which ones you didn’t.  Feel free to add comments to this post with your votes for inclusion.  Remember, if you don’t vote, you can’t complain 😉

On now on to the monstrously colossal Thursday mix….

01 Eastern Stars | “They Know What to Do”
02 Architecture in Helsinki | “Wishbone (Franc Tetas Remix)”
03 Albert Hammond Jr. | “In Transit”
04 Califone | “Spider’s House”
05 Cut Chemist | “Metrorail Thru Space”
06 Cut Chemist | “The Garden”
07 Pinto | “I Belong to You”
08 Pinto | “Iron and Rust”
09 Joanna Newsom | “Monkey & Bear” (someone you love or hate…I love)
10 Tom Waits | “Road to Peace”  (same notes as the previous track)
11 Scanners | “Lowlife (Radio Edit)”
12 My Morning Jacket | “Gideon (Live)”
13 My Morning Jacket | “Golden (Live)”
14 The Shins | “Phantom Limb”
15 Protokoll | “Sunken”
16 The Dears | “Whites Only Party”
17 The Jealous Girlfriends | “The Pink Wig to My Salieri”
18 The Watson Twins | “Shoot the Lights Out”
19 Mixel Pixel “You’re the Kind of Girl”
20 Explorer’s Club | “Don’t Forget the Sun” (easily the reincarnation of the Beach Boys)
21 Kool and the Gang | “Summer Madness” (last two songs are included to help combat the winter, which Jeff Shotts is probably already tired of)

There…But Back Again?

Perhaps you’ve all heard the brouhaha between Peter Jackson and New Line Cinema. It looks dire about Jackson directing The Hobbit, which would be a big disappointment after the brilliance of The Lord of the Rings films. I read about this this evening in The New York Times, so it’s certainly getting some attention. Go to thehobbitfilm.com to see more, and to read Jackson’s letter about his troubles with New Line Cinema.

As you can imagine, there are already fans pledging to boycott The Hobbit if it is directed by anyone other than Peter Jackson.

In other LOTR news, a great independent theater not far from our neighborhood in Minneapolis is playing all three LOTR films back to back to back on December 28th. I have to admit, I’m considering it–11 hours straight. It’s become part of the holiday tradition.


It’s Never Too Late Music Thursday

Apologies about not posting this yesterday.  Understandably, there was turkey to be eaten.  I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.  One thing I was thankful for yesterday was the many years of white meat (and tofurkey), cranberries, mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing and wine we all had the privilege of sharing together.  Not to mention all the traditions — especially the walks.  I’m looking forward to seeing you all in a month.

Today’s music selections are a hodge-podge of tracks I’ve been listening to since the last MT post, very suitable in light of the Thansgiving arrangement of foods we ate yesterday (and probably today).  Starting off with the T-Day appropriate “TV” and ending with an entrance into the Christmas holidays, named “That Was The Worst Christmas Ever!” I hope you enjoy this Thansgiving weekend mix.  I’ve even thrown the 2 new U2 tracks in there — it wouldn’t be Thansgiving without it.

01 Headlights | TV
02 Shiny Toy Guns | “Starts With One”
03 Teddybears | “Punkrocker (Squeakeclean Remix) Mastered”
04 U2 | “The Saints Are Coming”
05 U2 | “Window In The Skies”
06 Dappled Cities Fly | “Within Hours”
07 Sufjan Stevens | “That Was The Worst Christmas Ever!”

We’ve come a long way since Ember’s my friends….

Update, etc.

For those of you who want an update, I received my first response to my letters to my two Congressman and my eight reps. from Ron Kind (democrat in house). It was a form letter, emphasizing that Kind voted for both intitiatives that the White House has passed regarding Sudan and Chad conflicts. The second boasted 242.4 million in relief assistance. And while that may seem a significant amount, the white house in its second term had commited 38 billion to the “war on terror”, most of which has been focused on Iraq. (This was taken from the Department of Defense website). I just feel so helpless about stuff like this.

Continue reading

Poetry Merge

Do not fret, soon Music Thursday will be posted.  My computer went down this week, so I’m a little behind on things, so I am collecting candidates and will soon have them filtered down to a few choice Music Thursday selections.

In the meanwhile, enjoy this interview I heard today on NPR.  This artist folds well-known poems into her music.  I think it’s a great way to expose some people who may not otherwise think poetry is “their thing.”  Anyway, I think it dovetails into the conversation we’ve sort of been having about the importance getting poetry into the hands, hearts and minds of the populi.

Click on the cover to be taken to the album’s Amazon.com page, or here for the NPR page with Kris’ intervew with Melissa Block.  There’s some great stuff in the interview and I think Delmhorst articulates herself well.  I wish I would have said some of the things she said.  I can’t say that very often about things I hear in popular culture….

Come one and all.

OK, here’s the deal: We have been negotiating this to some extent and realize that we will not be able to please everyone.  We realize that not everyone will be able to work this into their schedules, as busy as they all are, but we would like very much to extend a welcome to the Peters’ abode for some holdiay cheer.  The date: 12-23-06.  The time: anytime after lunch.  I believe we will have some kind of dinner celebration in the evening and maybe play some games or bocce or visit Coronado or the Lester Raymer studio or something during the afternoon.  Please let me how many of you are available so we can start to plan.  We may have some very special plans, but those are still in the works and may not pan out.  In the event you are unavailable, I wish you the best; otherwise please RSVP.  If anyone has suggestions which do not include changing said date and time please feel free to let me know.  Tob, please feel free to edit, format, and generally spruce up this document as you like.  cheers.  Looking forward to seeing as many of you as can make it.

Lance Platner

I don’t know if you guys heard, but Lance Platner was killed in a motorcycle/automobile collision over the weekend. Lance went to my church during our high school years. When I saw him at the reunion, he mentioned that he had hung a drawing that I had done for him in high school of a skull, sword, and a serpent in his truck. He also mentioned how lucky he felt to have seen the sun rise and set in states all over the country (he was a trucker). Overall, he was a pretty genuine guy, and I’m sure it is rough for his family. As far as I know, he’s the first from our class to go.


(Here is a link to the obituary the Sentinal ran — Ed.)

M-M-Music Thursday!

Stolen from his web site: Christopher Willits is a musician and multimedia artist located in San Francisco, California. Striking a delicate balance between acoustic and electronic sounds and systems, Christopher manages to defy genre distinctions while still defining a “sound” unto his own. His numerous solo releases and collaborations cover a broad spectrum of musical styles, and include one main commonality: Willits’ unique use of the guitar with custom-made signal processing. This home-brewed software, along with Willits’ 6-string prowess, generates a unique real-time mixture of improvised melody and rhythm. Willits’ guitar lines and harmonies fold into each other. Notes and phrases hook and weave, creating complex patterns of interlocking rhythm, melody, and texture.

Christopher Willits | Surf Boundaries

01 Yellow Spring

Also stolen (I’m a bad man today): This six-pack of Canadians are on Normal Welcomes Records and are made up of “two drummers + four bass players + two samplers + five synthesizers + five cowbells + two octapads + one vocoder.”

J.E. might know of them, they were a SXSW Showcasing Artist

Shout Out Out Out Out | Nobody Calls Me Unless They Want Something

02 Nobody Calls Me Unless They Want Something
03 Dude You Feel Electrical

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