:::this is the way the world ends:::

Mirrors in the Mirror

I thought it would be a good time to return to our blog. I am going to work on catching up with things I’ve set aside, intending to post but never posting.

So far, the only detour in our lives has been our kids were excused from school on Friday before Spring Break. This would have originally been Spring Break. We have changed plans — we will postpone the more adventurous intentions until everyone emerges later, all at once.

The interesting thing I’ve noticed has been a return to the good sort of boredom. There’s a restless, creative sort of energy I haven’t felt in a while. I think mindless distractions took up too much of my time. How to tell the difference between good pursuits and bad ones? Even good mindless from bad mindless?

Facebook doesn’t feel like one of the good ones. Perhaps this will be a refuge for us in these strange times.


  1. Ned

    Always loved this piece of music.
    For classic music lovers, try this:

  2. Tobias Becker

    A gorgeous rendition….

    Here’s one of Elgar’s contemporaries that I’ve been listening to lately, as well:

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