Category: Movies (Page 1 of 4)
…his Alien movie, this looks fantastic. Any takers?
I was showing a student this artist’s work today to talk about atmospheric perspective, and it occurred to me that Toby and others might enjoy it.
Another link I found in early 2013, was a series of videos an auteur named Matt Shapiro has put together for the last seven years called The Cinescape. It’s pretty amazing craftsmanship, and even though none of the films he spliced together are original works, the way he did it is. It’s masterful and brings to mind how movies, even in their most mundane form, can be filled with wonderful images and themes. Sometimes I feel as if there’s a boredom of abundance. There’s just so much high-quality filmmaking these days, that even the worst of the Hollywood dreck can be filled with amazing facets.
The Cinescape above also reminds me of how movies feature variations on a theme, and that the tropes can get tedious after a while. So, there’s a sense of wonder and disappointment as I flip through all seven of these and start to see some of the tricks filmmakers use to emotionally and visually connect.
I always knew Superman was a Jayhawk. Rock Chalk. nym.ag/15iLrM5
— Gillian Smith (@gillyheartsyou) April 18, 2013
I managed to see the final installment of the Harry Potter films last night, and figured that nothing has lit up the blog in the past quite like debating Potter, the books, the films, the cultural relevance of the series. So, why not employ the Resurrection Stone and bring this conversation back.
I’ll let this general subject stand, and comment below with hope to hear some of you chime in, if you’ve seen the new move or not.
None of it feels better than seeing Ian McKellan appear in Gandalf’s seat again.
I just finished watching The Secret of Kells on Netflix streaming. How did I miss this?
Hope you all have the opportunity to see it soon if you haven’t already.
Aligned Intentions | On Look Films from Scott F. Busch on Vimeo.
You may recognize the interview location as a place dear to us all.
in a sick sort of way… “May the Force be with you”.
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