:::this is the way the world ends:::

New Work

Here’s a new image in the TINAW series, called Prowler.


TINAW Prowler


  1. Pete

    I like the subtlty of this one, Neddle. What are the dimensions of this. Seems like something that would be really effective in almost life-sized.

  2. Ned

    Hate to disappoint, but it’s not nearly life size. The dimensions are approximately 10 x14″ (which is the approximate size of the entire series. I can’t quite afford the luxury of space that working so large would require, not to mention the time required to create work that big.

    Thanks for your comments, though. Always appreciated.

  3. J.E.

    These one begs to be seen in person. The subtleties that Peters mentions may not completely read depending on the vagaries of computer screen settings. If it were hanging on a wall across the room how long would it take for the viewer to realize that there was a wolf in the shadows?

  4. Ned

    My guess is not that long. I think this digital realm has darkened the image a bit. But I was going for subtlety so the fact that the word was used is pleasing to me.

  5. Pete

    A wolf in the shadows you say?

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