:::this is the way the world ends:::

Beckett Masen Aspengren Shotts

Thanks to all of you for the messages of good words and congratulations on the arrival of our new son! He is a dozen days old now, and is doing well, gaining his birth weight back and charming us completely. I look forward to introducing him to the Hollow Men. Beckett was born punctually on his due date, August 1, at 11:32 pm. He weighed 8 pounds 5 ounces and measured 19 and 3/4 inches.

Jen and I are really happy, and Jen is recovering well after what was a long labor. After the weekend at the hospital, we had a great few days here at home with Beckett and my parents, who were a terrific help. Then we went to the Aspengren lake house for five restful days, to recuperate a bit, bid my parents farewell, watch some Olympics, and get some fresh air off the water. We’re now back at home and happy to be here, the three of us.



  1. Shotts

    i tried every which way to insert a photo of Beckett here, but it keeps coming out a huge, huge photo, rather than one that fits in the blog box. Any help?

  2. J.E.

    You could always put it on the Hollow Men group on Facebook….. It’s really easy….. FYI I’m not trying to kill the blog but it is cumbersome to post things here and it’s also just too damn public sometimes.

    Anyway I’d love to see more photos. Have a great paternity leave Shotts!

  3. Shotts

    Thanks, J. E. The blog will not be killed. And hey, is Ned on Facebook yet? I’ll look into posting a photo or two there, when I have a moment. Funny to think of the blog as “public” compared to Facebook, but there you go.

    Paternity leave is going great, and it’s been tremendous to just have the three of us now. It’s amazing how much Beckett has seemingly changed in two weeks, and it’s great to be present for every moment. Nights are still a little up and down, of course, but our pediatrician this morning gave us a good seal of approval on how Beckett is coming along. That’s a great relief to rookies like us!

  4. Shotts

    Photos are up on Facebook.

    We had a very good pediatrician visit, and Beckett is up to 8 pounds 12 ounces as of last Friday morning! So he’s doing great. Hard to believe my paternity leave is half over, and how much Beckett has changed. Maybe we’re getting used to him.

  5. Tobias

    Jeff, I left a message a while ago on your phone, but Steph and I are joyful for all the news coming our way about Beckett. The photos are about as adorable as you can get. I look forward to hearing about some of your experiences in parenthood…

    Clara’s birth and first year really caused me to think about the lees of life much more, and about what bankrupt patterns I have in my life that I desperately don’t want to pass on to Clara. The rub is, if I focus too much on these things, I’ll be sure to.

    We’re thinking of everyone a lot — in the midst of Clara, businesses and classes.

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