Well, October has been a great month for me.
This past weekend, you all know what we were up to.
One weekend ago, some of my K-State friends congregated at our house for a reunion we have once a year, usually in the summer.
Two weekends ago I got the to enjoy the Ozark autumn, with trees just at the cusp of their full fall colors. I went camping with 3 guys from Kansas City I know through our church in the Mark Twain National Forest. The end destination on our hike: the Devil’s Backbone. Below is a photo my friend took while we were on the ridge (it was very backboney).
Click on the photo to see the full panorama….
While we were there, I thought about all things Devil’s Backbone and was reminded of a great movie by Guillermo Del Toro: The Devil’s Backbone. Since this is Halloween night (I’m currently writing while waiting to hand out candy with Steph, the kids keep coming up to our door) I thought the movie buttressed up against my reflections of this October nicely. I recommend this movie greatly. It takes in Spain during the Spanish civil war in 1939. I don’t normally watch horror films. However, the horror from this film isn’t produced by the film’s ghost, but instead comes from the humans caught up in this war. At least, that’s my take on it. It’s a ghost story where the most terrifying element comes from the humans. Watch it, if you’d like. I’d love to hear your reactions on it. The DVD cover stinks, by the way.
Oh, and catch Pan’s Labyrinth when it comes out, also by Guillermo Del Toro. It looks fantastic too. …of course, it has the right to be horrible and I’ll have to take my ringing endorsement (for a film I haven’t even seen) back. I should be more careful.
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