:::this is the way the world ends:::

Month: October 2007

While we worked

Painting for Clara Today’s music post is a collection of some of the songs I listened to while we were finishing up projects around the house for Clara’s arrival.  I’m not the most agreeable when it comes to house projects, so I needed something soothing and relaxing.  I listened to a bunch of classical (and movie soundtrack) mixes we had around and thought I’d share my highlights from the bunch with you.  Just in case you need it someday….

01 | Sarabande
02 | Canzonetta Sull’aria
03 | La Valse D’amelie
04 | Midnight Cowboy
05 | Balcony Scene
06 | Nimrod
07 | O Mio Babbino Caro
08 | As Far As Florence Rupert Bear
09 | Intermezzo

Back on the blog.

Sorry for my lack of participation over the last month or so. Our computers have been relatively unusable (mine has died and Mandy’s has been in various states of disrepair, which is fixed for the time being.). Of course, the biggest news is the addition to the Becker clan. The hugest congratulations are in order! We are thrilled to finally see the photographic evidence of this “Clara Francine”, but photos as we all know can be easily altered. I will have to have tangible, physical proof at some point to be sated. I can report on this to all you distanced brothers when I have seen it for myself. I would have to say that one book I am truly glad to be reading prior to having children of my own is Dr. Bruce Perry’s book, ” The Boy who was raised as a Dog”. This is a fascinating book, written in pretty accessible terms about the neurodevelopment of infants brains, particularly from pregancy through infancy and into pre-adolescents. Pretty cutting edge stuff in the area of what we really know about development. I would recommend this to anyone with kids, considering kids, or who knows kids. I would recommend this in particular to anyone who has contact with foster kids or others who have had trauma in early childhood. I hope all is well with each of you and your families and am glad to once again have a voice.

Clara Francine

My apologies for not posting this sooner.  A couple of things have prompted my long absence from the blog 1) the getting ready for, the birth of, and resulting lack of sleep from Ms. Clara Francine 2) I took a week off work and I’ve been working double for a while now (although things are finally starting to get back to a normal workload) 3) Steph and I sent out a mass email with details to you all, but we’ve learned that it may have been blocked and not gotten to anyone.

Clara Francine 106

Clara Francine was born Friday September 28th at 11:04 pm.  The delivery went great and she is doing really well.  She weighed 7 lbs 1.5 oz and was 20 inches long.  Clara is named after Steph’s grandmother, Francine.  

Here is a link to the Flickr website where we have a few pictures posted:  http://www.flickr.com/photos/tobiaspete/

I’ll be posting more photos to Flickr in the coming weeks, so you can try to hit every once in a while for new photos.



I have to say that I wish we were all excitedly posting and commenting on this site about gathering for Thanksgiving. I know our lives are all at a distance and that there are many factors that mean the tradition has ended. We had a pretty tremendous ten-year run. And last year, I greatly enjoyed gathering with Toby and Peters in Kansas City for autumn fun, long walks, cigars, and bocce.

This will be one of the first full calendar years where I have not been, and will not be, in Kansas at all. I miss it, and will miss gathering with you all for the holidays. I just walked down to Ingebretsen’s, the Scandanavian shop two blocks away that is one of the last remnants of the old immigrants in my neighborhood–it reminds me of home and of Lindsborg and of the holidays. So here’s a raised glass of lingonberry sparkler to you.

Perhaps we can revisit possibilities for gathering sometime before long.

In Rainbows

Inb-Rainbows If you haven’t all by now downloaded Radiohead’s new album, In Rainbows, I highly recommend you do so. You can find it on Radiohead’s web site and download it for as much or as little money as you think it’s worth. Admittedly I gave all of two British pounds, which comes to about $5. It’s worth far more than that.

Jerod may even be playing with Radiohead by now, so listen for his distinctive wailing synthesizers on continual loop.

I also highly recommend a newish album by a band called Okkerville River. Very good, tuney stuff.

Jen and I went to see Wilco last week here in Minneapolis, and they put on a really great show. As mellow as their latest album is, the live show was completely loud. Jen’s and my first real date was going to Wilco at the Walker Sculpture Garden, so it was nice to go home again. The opening act was an interesting multi-instrumentalist named Andrew Bird who builds songs live on stage by playing various instruments and looping them over each other. He also whistles a lot, and he’s a damn impressive whistler. Very entertaining and interesting show.

The peak of the fall is already past its heights up here. Jen and I will be raking up damp leaves a lot of the weekend, and trying to find whatever glory can be found in that and scooping out raingutters.

Jerod’s True Identity

We’ve all been led to believe that Jerod has become a priest. I have photographic evidence that suggests this may not be true. He is in fact touring with Crowded House, playing key boards and singing backup. That toupee isn’t fooling anyone Jerod.



I am doing Cropwalk this year again for anyone interested in supporting that cause you can write a check to Cropwalk and send it to us at 2028 8th Street, Eau Claire, WI. I have been sick twice this semester already, once with the stomach flu and once with the traditional flu. It’s made it difficult, since this has been a very busy semester so far. Good to hear your classroom visit went well, Jeff. Keep posting poems as you feel they are ready. Or maybe before you feel they are ready…

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