:::this is the way the world ends:::



I have to say that I wish we were all excitedly posting and commenting on this site about gathering for Thanksgiving. I know our lives are all at a distance and that there are many factors that mean the tradition has ended. We had a pretty tremendous ten-year run. And last year, I greatly enjoyed gathering with Toby and Peters in Kansas City for autumn fun, long walks, cigars, and bocce.

This will be one of the first full calendar years where I have not been, and will not be, in Kansas at all. I miss it, and will miss gathering with you all for the holidays. I just walked down to Ingebretsen’s, the Scandanavian shop two blocks away that is one of the last remnants of the old immigrants in my neighborhood–it reminds me of home and of Lindsborg and of the holidays. So here’s a raised glass of lingonberry sparkler to you.

Perhaps we can revisit possibilities for gathering sometime before long.


  1. J.E.

    I’m pretty excited about fall too. This morning I think it was below 60 degrees however the projected high is still above 90 which is not out of character for central Texas. I’ve realized more clearly since moving here that autumn is not all about the temperature — it is also about the light. I’m looking forward how the light changes in our new house.

    November through April are quite lovely here. Perhaps we could arrange for a winter break from the frozen north.

  2. Shotts

    Sounds warm in Texas, and I hope that light is slanted and filtered seeming in your new home, J.E. Yes, the light, especially in the early evening, is just incredible right now. I think we didn’t quite see 60 degrees today. Highs are now in the mid to upper 50s in Minnesota. Jen and I took a long bike ride today, and realized it may be the last, or one of the last, of the season. Just beautiful leaves around the lakes.

    I think that could be a very interesting idea for a winter break around Austin, perhaps in February or March. Anyone else have any thoughts on that possibility?

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