Okay, I’m going to shake things up a bit. Now that we’ve hit our one-week anniversary for this project, I am going to swap design templates in and out.  It’s as simple as flipping a switch and I can revert back to this design any time. Let’s try a new one each day and let me know which one you like best. Comment below to vote!
This is a much better template. It is organized better. The “Recent Posts” is still a little cluttered. I like it better in the screen shot witht the black background.
Love the XHTML reminders in the reply section.
I agree with J. E. on this. I like the organization and look. I’m especially glad the misty bridge is gone and replaced with an eerie, drivable tunnel. Very moody. As are we all.
And I like the calendar and the Recent Posts and Categories.
Nicely done, Tob. You’re an excellent moderator of the site.
In the now immortal words of the kool-aid man, just after causing thousands in damages to unsuspecting children’s homes and thusly sentencing them to a lifetime of grounding, “Oh Yeah!”
I don’t think I ever expressed gratitude for your work on this in the first place. So let me play catch up and simply thank you for your work.
By the way Toby how much did it cost to buy wearethehollowmen.com? Can we help defray the cost?
Also, I would like an email address:
Tell me what I need to do.
Yes, I’m happy to help with costs associated to the site, as well.
And if J. E. is getting an email address here, then I would like one too:
Thanks again, Tob. You’ve seriously revolutionized our ability to keep up with each other. It’s been a great week of checking in on this and on everyone…
yes, if there are costs, i agree that shotts and JE should help. oh, yes, and me too.