:::this is the way the world ends:::

Come one and all.

OK, here’s the deal: We have been negotiating this to some extent and realize that we will not be able to please everyone.  We realize that not everyone will be able to work this into their schedules, as busy as they all are, but we would like very much to extend a welcome to the Peters’ abode for some holdiay cheer.  The date: 12-23-06.  The time: anytime after lunch.  I believe we will have some kind of dinner celebration in the evening and maybe play some games or bocce or visit Coronado or the Lester Raymer studio or something during the afternoon.  Please let me how many of you are available so we can start to plan.  We may have some very special plans, but those are still in the works and may not pan out.  In the event you are unavailable, I wish you the best; otherwise please RSVP.  If anyone has suggestions which do not include changing said date and time please feel free to let me know.  Tob, please feel free to edit, format, and generally spruce up this document as you like.  cheers.  Looking forward to seeing as many of you as can make it.


  1. tobias

    Count us in Peters, we really appreciate yours and Amanda’s invitation of hospitality. We look forward to heavily spiked eggnogs and thereafter, impromptu slurred singings of “The Holly and the Ivy.” All kidding aside, let us know if we can bring anything!

  2. Ned

    I would, once again, love to make it, but Sara’s new job at the Presbyterian church likely won’t allow us to get to McPee until the 27th. Sorry. We’ll probably be in McPee something like the 27th through the 4th or 5th.

  3. Shotts


    Excellent, and kind of you and Amanda. Please count Jen and me in for the afternoon or evening of December 23rd. That should work for us. Let me know if there’s anything we can bring or do to make the time festive.

    It will be great to share some holiday cheer and to see the Peters’ house in Lindsborg. Thanks, Petes.

    Sorry, Ned, you won’t be there, and it looks like Jen and I will miss you and Sara and family altogether. Let me know if there’s another time perhaps we could get together.


  4. J.E.

    Maybe! The Bartel family is getting together on the same day. We’ll do our best to make it.

    Liz and I will only be in KS from 23 to 25.

    J. E.

  5. Ned

    Great. Looks like everyone but me. I am the proverbial “man out”. And to top it all of, not one of you made a comment on my painting, which wouldn’t offend me, if I thought you were too busy to concern yourselves with paintings. But since I know you are all out there playing Super Mario Brothers and planning more get-togethers that I can’t attend and watching movies by the director of Hellboy and buying your own Bocce Ball set, it sort of pisses me off. Lest it be construed that this is not a sarcastic rant, I will make an official disclaimer now that I am not really upset. Furthermore, I will add that while I may be missing some great Christmas cheer with great friends, none of you have ever had the privelege of playing the Terrible Hodag with Eliot. As a matter of fact, not being from WI, you probably don’t even know what the Terrible Hodag is. So there. I think I saw all of you more when I lived in New York. I know that is true for Shotts and Toby. Oh, well. At least Toby has provided the blog for me to vent my feelings of isolation. Splendid Isolation that is…

  6. Shotts


    Your message would concern me, except it betrays just how much you truly love being the proverbial man out. Enjoy. And we’ll miss you all the same, and no doubt will raise a glass up toward you.

    You are most welcome in the Twin Cities, anytime. That invitation, as always, is open.


  7. Pete

    It is always a little sad when we gather and know there are those of us not in attendance. However, I am quickly becoming a realist. If we plan around everyone, nothing will ever work. So, with a semi-heavy heart we plod on, making plans and hoping for the best possible turn out, yet knowing someone will inevitably not be there. I guess it creates a slightly different and unique dynamic with each different collection of friends, but sad nonetheless. I am sad that you will not be here, ned, to tell us of Ole Swenson and the terrible hodag, and all the other stories told to campers in summer camps in the north midwest. We will raise a glass to your hodag. Tell me about the art comment. I have no idea what this is about, but am genuinely interested. is there a place on the web where your stuff can be viewed? a, I missing out on something? Well, best wishes to you all. hope those of you planning to make the trip make it safely and find your ways to 110 south 3rd here in lindsborg, where there are always, warm, fresh, lingonberry -covered swedish pancakes to be found.

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