:::this is the way the world ends:::

There…But Back Again?

Perhaps you’ve all heard the brouhaha between Peter Jackson and New Line Cinema. It looks dire about Jackson directing The Hobbit, which would be a big disappointment after the brilliance of The Lord of the Rings films. I read about this this evening in The New York Times, so it’s certainly getting some attention. Go to thehobbitfilm.com to see more, and to read Jackson’s letter about his troubles with New Line Cinema.

As you can imagine, there are already fans pledging to boycott The Hobbit if it is directed by anyone other than Peter Jackson.

In other LOTR news, a great independent theater not far from our neighborhood in Minneapolis is playing all three LOTR films back to back to back on December 28th. I have to admit, I’m considering it–11 hours straight. It’s become part of the holiday tradition.



  1. J.E.

    You should know about this.


    Hobbit Feast (with vegetarian option) at Alamo Draft House. It’s becoming a Thanksgiving tradition down here.

  2. Shotts

    Incredible. Truly incredible. They do things just a bit bigger in Texas. I hope you and Liz went this year, and enjoyed your elevensies and six other meals…


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