:::this is the way the world ends:::


JE — Your card arrived today. Thanks. I have that Nature Conservancy card set too. They are one of the very best charities. The one that I support no matter what, even when I’m down on my luck.


  1. J.E.

    Most welcome! I believe in The Nature Conservancy as well. They have the right model for the United States. They’re not trying to cajole anyone into doing right thing with the land — they just buy it. Liz and I contribute what we can.

    Up till this week I have been a long time contributor to Amnesty International as well but my faith has been shaken recently. I’ll save that tale for another post.

  2. Shotts

    J. E.–

    I’d be interested to hear your thoughts on Amnesty International, when you get a chance.

    Jen and I tend to give to more local kinds of organizations. We give to our neighborhood association, we give to a local youth development organization that Jen is a board member for, and I give to Macalester College. And we give to Saint Stephens Church, when we go–though that has been sporadic, at best, the last few months. We’re also members of the Walker Art Center. But other than that, we’re fairly poor philanthropists, except that we both work for nonprofit organizations…

    I’d be interested to hear any thoughts about charities and other such organizations that anyone supports with time or money. It’s always an interesting question…


  3. Ned

    J.E.,I’d like to hear what happened in regards to what you learned about Amnesty International too. I supported them for about six years, but could no longer maintain the number of groups we supported when we moved here from NY and had to choose. I will be happy to discuss how I spend my money, but I think it requires a certain amount of honesty. It seems there are some among us that are quite avid Lost fans, though I recall being the only one to “own up” to watching it in my schedule. (Chuckle, chuckle).

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