:::this is the way the world ends:::

It’s Never Too Late Music Thursday

Apologies about not posting this yesterday.  Understandably, there was turkey to be eaten.  I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.  One thing I was thankful for yesterday was the many years of white meat (and tofurkey), cranberries, mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing and wine we all had the privilege of sharing together.  Not to mention all the traditions — especially the walks.  I’m looking forward to seeing you all in a month.

Today’s music selections are a hodge-podge of tracks I’ve been listening to since the last MT post, very suitable in light of the Thansgiving arrangement of foods we ate yesterday (and probably today).  Starting off with the T-Day appropriate “TV” and ending with an entrance into the Christmas holidays, named “That Was The Worst Christmas Ever!” I hope you enjoy this Thansgiving weekend mix.  I’ve even thrown the 2 new U2 tracks in there — it wouldn’t be Thansgiving without it.

01 Headlights | TV
02 Shiny Toy Guns | “Starts With One”
03 Teddybears | “Punkrocker (Squeakeclean Remix) Mastered”
04 U2 | “The Saints Are Coming”
05 U2 | “Window In The Skies”
06 Dappled Cities Fly | “Within Hours”
07 Sufjan Stevens | “That Was The Worst Christmas Ever!”

We’ve come a long way since Ember’s my friends….


  1. Pete

    Great album tober. as always, you deliver at t-giving. I couldn’t get the “saints” track to play, played the previous track which is worth hearing twice. I noticed that there was a bearded Jerod pic there. It was a little like looking at a picture with a hole in it. I hope he finds his way to the blog site at some point, I miss his Jerodness. I wish we had more photos of the whole gang over the years. we should make it a point to capture one of those cheezy, old-fashioned front porch group photos at our get-togethers. it is fascinating to see how we all change. I wish we had better documentation of it all. thanks, again Tober. Peace be with you, my brother.

  2. tobias

    Petes and all,

    There was an error in my hyperlink for the “Saints” track. I fixed it this morning and you should be able to listen to the track now!

  3. Shotts

    Toby–I think this is the best compilation yet–or certainly one of them. I’m enjoying all the tracks. I really like that Shiny Toy Guns track, and have liked Sufjan Stevens for a little while now. Good stuff, all around. You keep the holidays together.


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