:::this is the way the world ends:::

Happy Birthday to Us

Cupcake Happy birthday, The Hollow Men.  It was one year ago today that this web site had its first blog entry.  That was a grand start to this fine conversation — a conversation that constantly exceeds my expectations. 

Sometimes I feel like technology does very little to enhance our lives, but then I take a look at what has happened on our blog and I fear the future a little less.

As a gift to everyone, I’ve updated the blog template to have a new look.  The old one is classic, but I thought we’d dress our one year old up a bit and hit the town.

Any thoughts, reflections, comments on what has made the site great (or not-so-great) for the Hollow Men?


  1. J.E.

    So very First.

    Wow! Love the new banner! I also like the new font size and color. It is quite a bit more readable.

    Thanks for all your hard work.

    Happy Blog Day, Bloggers!

  2. Ned

    Thanks for all your work on this Toby. We’re looking good thanks to you.

  3. Shotts

    Happy One Year, wearethehollowmen.com! The year feels like it’s gone fast. It wasn’t so long ago that we were all writing in about how autumn thrills our souls, how we spend our time, what we eat….

    I think the new look of the site is really stellar. Thank you, Tob, for getting this site up and running and for tweaking it, spinning it, along the way. I really like the new type and type size, banner, all of it. Very readable and easy to navigate. I think I may yet be the only one who hasn’t downloaded images onto posts, but I hope I’ll get instruction on that in this, the second year.

    Here’s to another year of great conversation. The best thing about the site is having a forum with all of you, at least weekly, if not daily. It makes communication both communal and individual, and I think that’s how many of us work best. I’ve really appreciated being able to see Ned’s art and Toby’s design and also having spirited conversation about books, science, faith, seasons, successes, and failures. I think most of us heard about Toby and Steph’s sorrows earlier right on this site–which is a powerful memory from the blog. And I appreciated how we made plans around meeting at the Peters’ home around Christmas and at the Aspengren lake place this summer. While some of the Harry Potter conversation was frustrating, it pushed me to be part of a conversation with many of you. I think the site would not be serving its purpose if all the content and conversation were purely civil. I come to the site to be frustrated as well as enriched.

    Admittedly the worst thing, perhaps, about the site is that it has largely taken the place of talking with you individually on the phone or even in separate emails. That’s my own faulty perception of how the site should work, but I do recognize it as a product of our forum here. And yet, I feel in communication with you all, and glad for that.


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