:::this is the way the world ends:::

Date Change?

My super will not allow me to be gone on the weekend of October 28.  I may have to work that Saturday.

Alternate dates are the weekend of October 21 or November11.

What say you?


  1. Shotts

    J. E.–

    Understandable. Sorry that last October weekend doesn’t work. As of right now, either weekend you mention–October 20-22 or November 10-12–would likely work for me for HM time in Kansas City.

    The only other option for me could be…Thanksgiving. But I assume that is off the table.

    I haven’t really heard anyone respond to the notion of having primarily just the men of the Hollow Men. Maybe I’m alone on that. So be it.

    Regardless, let’s get this date settled soon, since some of us may need to make flight arrangements.

    What say the rest of you?


  2. Shotts

    The weekend of October 20-22 works much better for me. I don’t think I can be gone the weekend of November 10-12, as I first thought.

    So does October 20-22 work for others? Does this work for you, Toby?



  3. tobias

    J.E. and all,

    Sorry that one doesn’t work for you! I haven’t spoken to Steph about a change in date yet, but we’re busy the weekend of the 20-22. I don’t think we have any plans November 10-12, but I’ll double-check on that with Steph.

    I’d be open to the Thanksgiving idea again. Anyway…let’s keep discussing and find out what’s best for as many HM as possible.


  4. Shotts

    Thanks, Tob, and good to know that October 20-22 weekend doesn’t work for you. I could still do the 27-29 of October, but not the November 10-12. It’s Jen’s mom’s sixtieth birthday bash, and I can’t miss that.

    Peters, Ned–?


  5. J.E.

    How about October 14? November 18?

    The flights are all the same price right now.

    J. E.

  6. tobias

    Anytime after the October 21st weekend should work for Steph and I. When she gets home from work today I’ll double-check the schedule with her.

  7. Shotts

    Jen and I are going on a canoe paddle of the Mississippi River gorge on October 14th, and I have to go to the Twin Cities Book Festival that day also, so that weekend doesn’t work.

    I have a major Graywolf poetry event the night of November 17th, so couldn’t make it for that weekend, either.

    Sorry. If it only works for these weekends that I can’t be there, then so be it. We all can’t be there anyway, so whatever works best for the whole group.

    I guess what works best for me and what fits Toby’s schedule is the last weekend in October, the 27-29. But if that doesn’t work for J. E., Peters, and Ned, then it should be moved to what works best for the most of us…


  8. Shotts

    Maybe what should happen here is that, once Tob has confirmed his schedule, he could put up two or three dates that work for him, and post them here on the HM site. Then we can all comment on Tob’s posting and “vote” for which of those dates works best for each of us. Hopefully, a definite date could then be settled on…

    In any case, I hope we can settle on one of those weekends. Some of those dates in October are coming up fairly quickly…

    Thanks again, Tob, and to all–


  9. J.E.

    Let’s keep the date as it is. The show I’ll be loading in that week is way over budget and they’re slashing the design down to a more manageable size.

    I think I’ll be able to make it after all. But I won’t be able to commit to buying a ticket for a week or so.

  10. tobias

    The prayers have started, J.E.

    That weekend is still the optimal weekend for me, and for wonderful KC fall colors. Let’s keep it at that and just hope to Peters that you can come! The Baldwin Maple Leaf festival is held the weekend before (in Steph’s hometown), and I think they’ll still be brilliant the following weekend if we want to go visit.

  11. Shotts

    Dear All–

    Great to hear this. The last weekend of October, the 27-29th, it is. I will assume this weekend is absolute, then, and begin looking for a good and cheap flight.

    I hope this does end up working for you, J. E. Keep us posted.

    Sounds like it should work for Peters, from what he posted previously. But do confirm, Petes, if you would.

    And Ned, any chance this falls on your Fall Break or something? Any possibility?

    And again, thanks Tob for hosting. Looking forward to it, and to discussing some of what’s on this blog in person…


  12. Pete

    I am hoping at some point we just decide on something and go with it. At some point we will realize that our schedules will very rarely all mesh and that one or more of us may have to make sacrifices to make it. I hope we all prioritize it enough to make it work out. I for one would like to hammer down a date, write it in my calender and then move the other stuff around in my life. I, too have other october plans, and would like to know what date this will occur so that I can adjust the other plans as they arise. My understanding is the weekend of the 29th. is this still the case?

  13. tobias


    I know the above has been a bit confusing, but we have decided on the weekend of the 27th through the 29th! Put it on your calendar! I’m already anticipating it.

    And we’ll keep hoping J.E. will make it.


  14. J.E.

    The date is set for the weekend of October 29. As for me, it is not a matter of whether I prioritize or not. I would have bought a ticket by now but my boss will not allow me to be out of the state that weekend.

  15. Shotts

    Excellent. I will try to find a flight this week and book it for the weekend of October 27-29. Really looking forward to it.

    I’ll confirm once I’ve found something affordable…


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