And now, looking ahead, it must be asked: what do you foresee in 2007? This can either be predictions of important events or people, or it could take the form of personal New Years resolutions. It’s always such a reflective time. I’m reminded that the month of January comes from Janus, the Roman god of endings and beginnings, with a face looking backward and a face looking forward.
So, looking ahead now, here are a few thoughts and resolutions from me.
In 2007, I expect:
- to see Hilary Clinton, Barack Obama, John McCain, and Rudy Guliani in the spotlight for the Presidential elections of 2008, as they all announce their candidacies. (I’m already surprised to see John Edwards announce his candidacy, and so early.)
- a withdrawl plan from Iraq.
- peacekeeping efforts deployed to Darfur, through a renewed United Nations.
- the biggest seller in books, by far, to be the new and final Harry Potter.
- the biggest movie, in terms of blockbuster status, to be the new Harry Potter movie.
- to be exhausted by Harry Potter by this time next year.
- additional evidence for global warming.
- one of us to announce a child on the way.
Some of my personal resolutions include:
- to eat vegetarian as much as possible, with only occasional fish when eating out.
- to eat less, eat more healthy foods, drink less alcohol, and drink more water daily.
- to exercise at the Y at least 12 times each month.
- to post and comment regularly on the Hollow Men site, including a weekly literary/poetry feature.
- to work to organize our house better.
- to begin more sustained writing.
- to be in better touch with family and friends.
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